Our helpline and getting in touch
To contact Immunodeficiency UK, you can either fill in the form below or:
Call us on 0800 987 8986
Email us at hello@immunodeficiencyuk.org
Write to us at Immunodeficiency UK, PO Box 12635, Colchester, CO7 5AN
Our helpline services
Our aim is to provide people with primary and secondary immunodeficiency, and those around them, with up-to-date information and advice support. We want to empower people to understand more about their condition and the treatments. We aim to bring you the most up to date evidence-based information and developments for primary and secondary immunodeficiency based on the latest research and medical information – we will always try to answer your questions or signpost you to external sources of advice and information.
We are not able to offer support on issues unrelated to having a primary or secondary immunodeficiency, for example we cannot offer on neurological and infectious disease conditions, or myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). There are other charitable support organisations available in the UK that are better targeted to support you.
Please be aware that we are not medically trained and are unable to answer individual medical questions and can only give very general advice. We would always refer you to your consultant or GP in this situation. We really do appreciate how frustrating this is as often it is difficult to get through to healthcare professionals, but it would be unsafe for us to field this type of question.
When appropriate we will signpost you to other sources of support and give details of the best organisation to help you, perhaps with more in-depth knowledge and experience on a particular topic.
Whilst we can offer an understanding ear, we are unable to offer a personal counselling and befriending service. Where appropriate we will give details of the best organisation to help you with your emotional health.