COVID-19 vaccination 

We encourage you to take up the offer of the Autumn booster as it will help reduce the chances of you developing severe COVID-19 disease.  

You can find updated information on the COVID-19 vaccination plan for this autumn at COVID-19 vaccines and immunodeficiency – Immunodeficiency UK  

Information on access to COVID-19 treatments and accessing free lateral flow tests can be found at  Access to COVID-19 treatments – Immunodeficiency UK 

Flu immunisation and access to flu anti-virals  

Having a ‘flu jab’ for people affected by primary (PID) and secondary immunodeficiency (SID) is a precaution against developing flu complications, such as chest infections, which are common even in healthy people. This is beneficial even in patients with antibody deficiency because the vaccine should prime T-cells and help shorten the duration of any influenza infection.  Most immunology centres recommend that patients, carers and close family members have a flu jab. 

Find out more about access and eligibility at Flu vaccine – NHS ( 

It can be difficult to distinguish between the symptoms of COVID-19 and flu so for people who have a significant immune deficiency it may be worth considering buying a lateral flow test for flu (an Influenza A/B Rapid Test costs £3 from a well-known high street pharmacy).  

Antivirals for the prophylaxis and treatment of flu can now be prescribed for clinical at-risk groups or in anyone at risk of severe illness or complications from influenza. People with a positive Flu A/B test can access antivirals (oseltamivir or zanamivir) via their GP or their specialist centre.  

People with PID/SID who have had a known household contact but are currently asymptomatic may also be eligible.  

For people with existing co-morbidities such as diabetes, COPD, bronchiectasis and heart disease accessing treatment is recommended and must start ideally within 48 hours of symptoms to be useful. 

NICE guidance: Scenario: Treating influenza | Management | Influenza – seasonal | CKS | NICE 

The children’s flu vaccine 

This vaccine comes as a nasal spray and is called Fluenz. It is a live vaccine so it should NOT be given to children with an immunodeficiency without getting individual, specific advice from your immunology medical team. centre. Other killed, injectable flu vaccines may be recommended. 

Your guide to who’s eligible for the 2024 flu vaccine – UK Health Security Agency ( 

RSV vaccinations  

The respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine is only available to women from the 28th week of pregnancy to protect their newborns and older people aged 75 to 79. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advised on the eligibility for the RSV immunisation programme. The vaccine is being given in keeping with its licence of use as there is no current study showing benefit in immunodeficient/immunocompromised patients, so eligibility depends on age.   

More information is available at Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults – GOV.UK ( 

Posted October 2024