Zika virus
Patients with immunodeficiency are often concerned when a new infection is described. It is important to remember that this infection is transmitted by a mosquito bite (like malaria or yellow fever) and so patients in the UK would only need to think about this virus if travelling to an affected area, when they should then heed the Public Health England advice for travellers, especially pregnant women.
We cannot say what the outcome of infection might be in someone with an immunodeficiency, so the advice would be to avoid travelling to affected areas if possible.
Zika viruses and immunoglobulins
On the 21st September 2016 the European Medicines Agency (EMA), an agency of the European Union in charge of the scientific evaluation, supervision and safety monitoring of medicines for use in the EU, issued a statement confirming that there is no increased risk of contamination with the Zika virus for patients who take plasma-derived medicines.
Here are more some useful links:
Zika virus – update and advice for travellers including pregnant women
Reviewed by Dr Matthew Buckland, Chair of the Medical Panel, Posted February, September 2016; updated August 2022